2015 Programme
15 April
6.00 PM
PMRG Annual General Meeting at 6.00 PM, followed by CMEMS/PMRG Public Lecture at 6.40 PM
Dr Michael Champion (The University of Western Australia)
“A Renaissance Man in his Monastery.”
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 6 (G.62, Arts Building, UWA)
16 May
10.30 AM
PMRG Brainstorming Meeting
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 10 (1.62, First Floor, Arts Building), UWA
26 May
1.00 PM
CMEMS Lunchtime Research Seminar
Dr Lesley O’Brien (The University of Western Australia)
“Emotional Subjectivity and Thomas More’s Defence of Traditional Catholicism.”
Venue: Arts Seminar Room 1.33 (first floor, Arts Building), UWA
27 May
6.30 PM
PMRG/CMEMS Public Lecture
Jennifer Hole (The University of Western Australia)
“Economic Ethics in Late Medieval England.”
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 6 (G.62, Ground Floor, Arts Building), UWA
23 June
1.00 PM
CMEMS Lunchtime Research Seminar
Hugh Chevis (The University of Western Australia)
“William Leonard, a godly Tudor Merchant.”
Venue: Arts Seminar Room 1.33 (first floor, Arts Building), UWA
** This seminar will speak to a pre-circulated paper. Please email us for a copy if you would like to attend **
24 August
Time 6.30pm for A 7pm start
PMRG Annual Quiz Night
Eight quiz rounds fizzing with challenge and suspense, plus Music round, Art quiz, True and False, Raffle and other delights!
Venue: UWA Guild Tavern (Tables of 6, $15 per head)
2 September
1.00 PM
CMEMS Lunchtime Research Seminar
Dr Shane McLeod (The University of Stirling)
“Viking Burials in Scotland.”
Venue: Arts Seminar Room 1.33 (first floor, Arts Building), UWA
11 September
6.00 PM
CMEMS/PMRG/CHE Public Lecture
Professor Anthony Bale (Birkbeck, University of London)
“Where did Margery Kempe cry?”
Venue: Austin Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, UWA
Download the poster
12 September
UWA Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies and
Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group XXIst Annual Conference

“Blood, Tears, Sweat: Corporeality in the Medieval and Early Modern World”
Venue: The University of Western Australia, Perth
Plenary speakers
Professor Andrew Lynch (The ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, 1100-1800 & The University of Western Australia)
Registration for this event is essential. For more information visit the conference website.
7 October
6.30 PM
PMRG/CMEMS Public Lecture
Professor Jonas Liliequist (Umeå University)
“‘To be unable to dissimulate is to be unable to live’: The ‘Body Politic’ and Gender Trouble of a Swedish Queen.”
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 5 (G.61, Ground Floor, Arts Building), UWA
28 October
6.30 PM
PMRG/CMEMS Public Lecture
Dr Eleonora Rai (The University of Milan)
“‘Il male del Paradiso’: Women, Stigmata and the Simulation of Sanctity in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Italy”
Venue: Arts Lecture Room 5 (G.61, Ground Floor, Arts Building), UWA
9 November
6.00 PM
CHE Public Lecture
Professor Jennifer Radden (University of Massachusetts Boston)
“Folly, Melancholy, Madnesse, are but one disease: Feelings and Reasoning Norms in the Anatomy of Melancholy and today’s Mind Sciences.”
Venue: Webb Lecture Theatre (Ground Floor, Geography and Geology Building), UWA
28 November
3.00 PM
PMRG/CMEMS Public Performance
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
**A moved reading of the medieval text ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’, read by some of our more dramatically inclined members. The performance is free, but donations towards the bursary fund for our 2016 conference would be hugely appreciated**
Venue: New Fortune Theatre, UWA
15 December
2.00 PM
CMEMS/CHE Research Seminar
Caterina Di Fazio (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and Charles University, Prague)
“The Emotions of Fear and Desire in Early Modern Europe (1513-1651).”
Venue: Philippa Maddern Seminar Room 1.33 (first floor, Arts Building), UWA