The Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group, Incorporated, was founded in 1981, and incorporated in Western Australia on 13 July 2020 (A1035683K). The Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group promotes and fosters interest in the culture, life and history of the medieval, Renaissance and early modern eras. It offers a forum to showcase local, national and international scholarship in the field by hosting seminars and presentations, publishing material and engaging in other relevant activities. Membership is open to the general public, as well as to staff, graduates, postgraduates and undergraduates of all Australian universities.
Guests are welcome to attend all meetings. For details of upcoming events, see our 2023 Programme.
PMRG offers a forum to showcase local, national and international scholarship in the field by hosting seminar papers and presentations by local and visiting scholars throughout the year.
The highlight of the year is the annual conference, attracting postgraduates, early career researchers and scholars of all stages from around the world to present their research. Themes in previous years have included such diverse areas as magic and marvels, multi-media, and the world as stage.
Other events include quiz nights, musical performances, and poetry and dramatic readings.
The Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group, Incorporated, is governed by its constitution [available here] and the Associations Incorporation Act 2015.