

Membership of the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group is open to anyone who supports PMRG’s purpose.

Members of PMRG receive notices of upcoming lectures, workshops, performances, and other items of interest via the email mailing-list.

Ordinary membership is open to people over the age of 15 years and as well as the benefits of membership they have full voting rights. People aged under 15 years are eligible only for associate membership. While associate members enjoy all the benefits of membership, they do not have voting rights.

Membership fees are set annually at the Annual General Meeting. Currently they are $20 per annum for people who are waged and $15 per annum for the unwaged.

Applications for membership must be in writing. Each application is considered and decided on by the Committee.

If you wish to join the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group, please complete the Application form and email it to

[email protected].

If your application is accepted, you will be given instructions for paying your fees, should you opt to do so.