6.30pm, Arts Lecture Room 4, UWA
Annual General Meeting, followed at 7.00pm by a talk by Professor Susan Broomhall, ‘Gender and the Dutch East India Company: Multiple Histories, New Perspectives’.
6.30pm, Arts Lecture Room 4, UWA
Annual General Meeting, followed at 7.00pm by a talk by Professor Susan Broomhall, ‘Gender and the Dutch East India Company: Multiple Histories, New Perspectives’.
PMRG has no new activities until 2025, except for our ongoing fortnightly Middle English reading group. We wish you the best for the festive season.
On Thursday, 5 December, from 6 pm, members are free to gather at an end-of-year picnic. Details will be sent to members.
PMRG’s Middle English reading group will be starting a new text, The Alliterative Morte Arthur, on Monday 21 October.
If you’re interested in joining in, please email
[email protected]
Registrations are now open for PMRG’s 2024 Conference, ‘Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales’, to be held on the campus of The University of Western Australia and online.
You can get further details, including a schedule of talks, here.
To register, go to https://www.trybooking.com/CVBJL or via QR code
You can dowload a poster here.
Thanks to all who participated in PMRG’s quiz night on Wednesday 24 July. We raised nearly $1000, which will help us to continue holding conferences, and regular talks by experts in their field to which everyone is welcome.
The call for papers for our 2024 conference on ‘Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales’, to be held on Saturday 16 November, is now open until 31 July 2024.
A flyer with full details can be downloaded here.
The call for papers for our 2024 conference on ‘Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales’, to be held on Saturday 16 November, is now open until 23 June 2024.
A flyer with full details can be downloaded here.